Are You In Accra? Join Us For BlogCamp 2012…!!!

If you are serious about taking your online visibility to the next level and feel like a “newbie” or a “skeptic” when blogging/blogs are mentioned; then BlogCamp 2012 is...

If you are serious about taking your online visibility to the next level and feel like a “newbie” or a “skeptic” when blogging/blogs are mentioned; then BlogCamp 2012 is your ideal event. The 21st century has become synonymous with social networking of which blogging plays a major role.
Blogging has become a mainstream form of self-expression today. It is also a great way for businesses and brands to get their message out to their customers. When it comes to building an audience and driving traffic, bloggers are turning to social media with record and awesome results.
I know a lot of people have been very successful with blogging, while others are struggling to get their blogs started and even be noticed. I have heard some people say that there are secrets you need to learn in order to be successful at blogging. In my personal opinion, I disagree with that. I feel that there is no real secret to blogging, although there are some questions that you might consider asking yourself before taking the plunge into the wonderful world of blogging.
Ghana’s biggest and largest community of bloggers – BloggingGhana is hosting a one-day event: BlogCamp 2012 under the theme: “Voice of a New Generation” at the KACE-AITI, Ridge. Accra from 0900 – 1700GMT.
BlogCamp 2012 brings all the main actors in the Ghanaian social media space together on 5th May 2012. The event seeks to educate and inform attendees on the benefits of social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and blogs. Further, BlogCamp 2012 will demonstrate how the youth can leverage the power of social media for positive social change, good governance, accountability, technology, business and education; this will ensure that there is more online content from Africa.
BlogCamp 2012 will also be used to launch Ghana’s first Social Media Awards scheme, aimed at rewarding various activists and contributors to the growth of social media in Ghana.
For more information, visit the BlogCamp Ghana website or connect with BloggingGhana through Twitter, Facebook or Google +. We will be posting with the hash tags #BlogCamp12 and #BloggingGhana.
Look forward to meeting you all blogging enthusiasts and pro-bloggers for a day of ideas sharing and more.

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.