
  • google-youtube-innovation-funding-750x408

    3 Nigerian & 2 South African media organizations receive GNI Youtube Innovation funding.

    Nigeria’s Channels Television, The Guardian Nigeria, Legit.NG and South Africa’s Eye Witness News, and Tiso Black Star are recipients of GNI Youtube innovation funding. In July, as part of the Google News Initiative (GNI), they announced innovation funding to help newsrooms and publishers strengthen their online video capabilities and experiment with new formats for video...
  • 30 Brilliant African Tech Startups To Watch

    From the blog: 30 African startups were profiled. Their selections were based on the startup coming from an African root and secondly, it been just brilliant. From Transport apps: TaxiRank – South Africa Down in Cape Town, Taxi Rank makes it easy for the city’s 4-million citizens to...
  • Google+ African Brothers Commercial

    Google is out with a new internet commercial Google+ African Brothers which aims to encourage families to sign up on Google+ — Google’s social network. Google Plus is part Twitter, part Facebook and part Beluga. It gives you yet another way to build a social network and share information...
  • Meet Kevin Doe – 15-year-old Sierra Leone Whiz Kid

    Meet Kelvin Doe aka Dj Focus, a 15-year-old self-taught hardware hacking whiz-kid from Sierra Leone who was given the chance to visit and study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)  by David Moinina Sengeh after he run a summer innovation camp in Sierra Leone. The video below shows highlights from the...
  • Ghana Elections Infographic by @GhanaDecides

    The Ghanaian electorates goes to the poll to elect a President and Parliamentary candidates for their 275 constituencies on Friday, December 7, 2012. Over the past couple of months, Ghana Decides team been using social media tools (Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Online debates) to monitor the political dialogue...
  • Spotlight on Africa – Mobile Statistics & Facts 2012 [Video]

    Praekelt Foundation -  an incubator for mobile technology which improves the health and well-being of people living in poverty. According to their recent report, they believe mobile technology is reshaping the future of the African continent, and that we (Africans) have a chance to guide that change, using this...
  • YouTube Launches Localized Ghanaian site

    The world’s largest online video-sharing platform – YouTube, launched its localized platform for the Ghanaian community at an impressive event at the Citizen Kofi Entertainment Center yesterday. The platform which allows users to upload, share, and view videos is using this new platform to promote content that is most...
  • Are You In Accra? Join Us For BlogCamp 2012…!!!

    If you are serious about taking your online visibility to the next level and feel like a “newbie” or a “skeptic” when blogging/blogs are mentioned; then BlogCamp 2012 is your ideal event. The 21st century has become synonymous with social networking of which blogging plays a major role. Blogging...
  • #GhanaDecides: A Social Media Election Monitoring Project from Ghana

    Ghanaians go to the polls in December 2012 to vote in the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections to either elect a new President or maintain the current government. In other to help streamline the voter registration process, the country is now implementing its first-ever biometric voter registration — in other...