Internet giant; Google intends to invest in innovation and get more users online by developing an accessible, relevant and sustainable internet ecosystem. According to the Policy and Government Relations Manager for Google Africa, Ory Okolloh, this will bring about merging innovations technology and the productive technology.

Speaking on Friday at the interactive sessions at the World Economic Forum on Africa in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, Ory said this will cater for the rising generation of innovative entrepreneur’s activists and policy makers in transforming business and society from the grass root level.
“Reducing access as a barrier to all potential users, making the Internet relevant and useful to Africans and helping strengthen an internet ecosystem in Africa that is vibrant, and sustainable and self-sufficient in the long-term,” she said.
Ory said the most challenge faced by innovation is the access to the markets and that’s sitting below 5 percent of the whole total market that can absorb. “The future outlook o f Google is to see to it that they increase the market for innovation grows to at least 60 percent in the next 5 years”, she added.
She decried that fact that out of the global internet generation, Africa produces only 2 percent with a huge gap between the venture capital and the seed capital.
Ory said Google Africa will be in the fore front in unlocking Africa innovative potential by incorporating investors opportunities to enhance hi-tech and lo-tech people in building synergies.