• 2022 Country Report on Human Rights

    2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Ghana

    Exploring Ghana’s Human Rights Landscape: Key Findings from the US State Department’s 2022 Country Reports. The United States Department of State recently released its 2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, which provide an assessment of the human rights situation in countries around the world. The report for Ghana...
  • Photos: NDC Supporters Jubilates in Sekondi-Takoradi

    Below are photos from Sekondi-Takoradi of NDC supporters celebrating on the streets of Sekondi-Takoradi; moments after the Electoral Commissioner Dr. Afari Gyan declared John Dramani Mahama, President of the Republic of Ghana. Related articles NDC wins- Celebrants hit the streets (africaphotographer.blogspot.com)...
  • Former Pres. Jerry Rawlings Comments On Prof. Attah Mills Death

    Even though former President Jerry Rawlings and Prof. John Attah Mills never agreed on many occasions before his sudden departure, Jerry Rawlings won’t be happy at this tragic news. Listen below to the audio comments former President Jerry John Rawlings made to BBC Africa about the death of Ghana’s...
  • Interview: Jarreth Merz – Director; An African Election Documentary

    “Ghana found itself in the same place in which the U.S. election stalled in the 2000 presidential elections. But instead of the unwillingness of the candidates to allow the system to proceed and the people to decide, Ghana honored democracy and its people.” (Jarreth Merz)  Sometime last month (Ma5...
  • Interview With Jarreth Merz – Director; An African Election documentary

    “Ghana found itself in the same place in which the U.S. election stalled in the 2000 presidential elections. But instead of the unwillingness of the candidates to allow the system to proceed and the people to decide, Ghana honored democracy and its people.” (Jarreth Merz) Sometime last month (Ma5...
  • GhanaDecides: A Social Media Election Monitoring Project from Ghana

    The non-partisan project Ghana Decides, launched on March 24, “aims to foster a better informed electorate for free, fair and safe 2012 Elections using online social media tools.” Ghanaians go to the polls in December 2012 to vote in the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections to either elect a new President or maintain the current government.  In other to help...
  • #GhanaDecides: A Social Media Election Monitoring Project from Ghana

    Ghanaians go to the polls in December 2012 to vote in the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections to either elect a new President or maintain the current government. In other to help streamline the voter registration process, the country is now implementing its first-ever biometric voter registration — in other...
  • Initiating Open Government in Ghana

    Very exciting to see Google and the Judicial Service of Ghana publicly announce a partnership to digitize and publish judicial opinions! For over a century, the laws of Ghana have lived in courtrooms and leather-bound books where lawyers and judges across the country can refer to rulings from years...