GlobalVoices Citizen Media Summit 2010.

The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 starts tomorrow in Santiago, Chile. Global Voices team will gather with a diverse group of bloggers, geeks, activists, reporters, technologists & journalists...

The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 starts tomorrow in Santiago, Chile. Global Voices team will gather with a diverse group of bloggers, geeks, activists, reporters, technologists & journalists from around the globe for a two-day public discussions, networking and workshops. The Santiago Public Library is the venue for the Summit.
The theme for the summit is;

“Next Generation Citizen Media, Public Access and Citizen Participation.”

Global Voices Summit 2010, Chile.

A two-day internal meeting for Global Voices editors, translators and contributors will follow after the public gathering. Since Global Voices Online cooperates with, which I contributes and writes for; a few bloggers like Ulrike Reinhard and co from our platform will be in Santiago reporting live from the summit.
If you don’t have any idea, what Global Voices Online is; here are some detailed information:
At a time when international English-language media ignores many things that are important to large number of the world’s citizens, Global Voices aims to redress some of the inequities in media attention by leveraging the power of citizens’ media. They believe in free speech and in bridging the gulfs that divide people.
Global Voices wishes to:

* Call attention to the most interesting conversations and perspectives emerging from citizens’ media around the world by linking to text, photos, podcasts, video and other forms of grassroots citizens’ media.

* Facilitate the emergence of new citizens’ voices through training, online tutorials, and publicizing the ways in which open-source and free tools can be used safely by people around the world to express themselves.

* Advocate for freedom of expression around the world and protect the rights of citizen journalists to report on events and opinions without fear of censorship or persecution.

Global Voices was founded in 2005 by former CNN Beijing and Tokyo Bureau Chief, Rebecca MacKinnon and technologist and Africa expert, Ethan Zuckerman while they were both fellows at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. The idea for the project grew out of an international bloggers’ meeting held at Harvard in December 2004 and it began as a simple blog.
Global Voices Online quickly expanded and still expanding thanks to patronage from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, support from Reuters, MacArthur Foundation and the energy and creativity of our Contributors & Writers.


Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.