How To Use Google Authenticator To Secure Twitter Accounts.

To get the most out of Twitter, using Google Authenticator for 2FA is the way to go now that Twitter has changed its SMS 2FA.
Google Authentication

To get the most out of Twitter, using Google Authenticator for 2FA is the way to go now that Twitter has changed its SMS 2FA.

If you’ve been following the news, Twitter released a blog post on February 15th, notifying users that they can no longer use SMS-based two-factor authentication unless they purchase the Twitter Blue subscription.

This policy change has been made to protect users supposedly; however, the timeline and[irp posts=”30301″ ] options available suggest it could have the opposite effect.

Securing your online accounts has become increasingly important in today’s digital age. One of the best ways to do this is by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA), which adds an extra layer of security to your accounts beyond just a password.

In this post, I will provide step-by-step instructions on how to set up Google Authenticator for your Twitter account.

What is Google Authenticator?

Google Authenticator is a mobile app that provides an extra layer of security when logging into online accounts. It generates a unique code that must be used alongside a username and password. It is compatible with Android and iOS devices and can protect accounts such as Twitter.


Setting up Google Authenticator on Twitter

Step 1: Install Google Authenticator

Before you can set up 2FA on Twitter using Google Authenticator, you need to download the app. The app is available for free in the Google Play Store for Android devices and the App Store for iOS devices.

Step 2: Enable two-factor authentication on Twitter

Once the app is installed on your device, log in to your Twitter account and navigate to the “Settings and Privacy” section. Select “Security and Account Access” and click “Two-factor authentication.” You will be prompted to select a method for 2FA. Choose “Authentication app.

Twitter Two-Factor Auth

Step 3: Set up Google Authenticator on Twitter

After selecting “Authentication app,” Twitter will provide you with a QR code that you will scan using the Google Authenticator app on your mobile device. Open the app and click on “Begin Setup.” You will be prompted to choose “Scan a barcode.” Use your phone’s camera to scan the QR code provided by Twitter.

Step 4: Enter the verification code

After scanning the QR code, the Google Authenticator app will generate a six-digit code. Enter this code on the Twitter website and click on “Verify.” Once the code is verified, 2FA will be enabled on your Twitter account.

Step 5: Generate backup codes

Twitter will prompt you to generate a set of backup codes in case you ever lose access to your phone or the Google Authenticator app. It is important to keep these codes in a secure place. You can generate a new set of codes anytime by returning to the “Two-factor authentication” section of your Twitter settings.

Step 6: Test Two Factor-Authentication

After setting up Google Authenticator, it is important to test the 2FA process to ensure it works properly. Try logging out of your Twitter account and logging back in again. You will be prompted to enter a verification code from the Google Authenticator app before accessing your account.

Benefits of using Google Authenticator for Twitter 2FA

Gaining access to your Twitter account is made much more secure with Google Authenticator as a two-factor authentication technique. It provides more protection than just a single password and is also free and easy to set up on Android and iOS devices! Plus, no one can get into your account without the verification code generated by the Google Authenticator app.

If you’re already using SMS for your two-factor authentication on Twitter, it might be worth switching to Google Authenticator for added security in the wake of changes about to be introduced.


Keeping your online accounts safe is a top priority, and using two-factor authentication is a great way to do this. Google Authenticator is a dependable app for 2FA and can be used to protect your Twitter account.

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.