Ho Node Hub Bridging the Gender Digital Skills Gap for Female Entrepreneurs

An all-inclusive hub; Ho Node in the Volta Region is offering digital skills training, business support and a conducive space to female entrepreneurs.
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An all-inclusive hub; Ho Node in the Volta Region is offering digital skills training, business support and a conducive space to female entrepreneurs.

The demand for capable personnel with digital skills is soaring as more companies are undergoing digital transformations. However the supply of these skilled personnel is low. Many employees are being laid off but several new digital roles are not be filled.

Women and girls would be the hardest hit and will struggle to find jobs as technology advances because the widening digital literacy skills gap.

Globally, the proportion of men using the internet in 2017 was 12 percent higher than women, (International Telecommunication Union). In Ghana, less than 20% of women have access to the internet. (world wide web foundation)

The creative sector consists of industries that have their origin in individual creativity, skill, and talent, and have potential for job creation through the generation and exploitation of ideas or imagination. These include graphic design, fashion design, advertising, digital marketing, animation, video and photography, handcraft, film etc

The creative sector like other industries is embracing new digital technologies hence need for digital skills training.

Though is there is limited published data on the gender employment and digital skills gap in the creative sector in Ghana, how many female graphic designers, illustrators or photographers have you engaged recently as compared to men?

To bridge the digital skills gap in the creative sector in Ghana, we launched #SheIsCreative, a skills training program designed for ladies

Though is there is limited published data on the gender employment and digital skills gap in the creative sector in Ghana, how many female graphic designers, illustrators or photographers have you engaged recently as compared to men? To bridge the digital skills gap in the creative sector in Ghana, we launched #SheIsCreative, a skills training program designed for ladies


The first cohort of 50 ladies would learn the concepts and digital tools for graphic design for 6 weeks. Subsequent courses would be in digital illustration, photography, 3D Animation, Virtual/Argumented Reality content creation and others.

#SheIsCreative is our contribution to the sustainable development Goal goal 4, 5 and our passion to ensure inclusion in the digital economy.

To support a the program, contact 0545101172 or email: info@honode.org

GhanaDigital InnovationDigital MarketingDigital SkillsEntrepreneurship & StartupsInnovation HubsMobile TechnologyWomen in Technology