How Many Ghanaians Are On Facebook?

A heated argument ensured between my very good friend;MudalawGH yesterday on the number of Ghanaians on the Social Media site; Facebook. I quoted about 500,000 and he disputed the...

A heated argument ensured between my very good friend;MudalawGH yesterday on the number of Ghanaians on the Social Media site; Facebook. I quoted about 500,000 and he disputed the fact that, it’s not possible.
In trying to feed my inquiring minds; I chanced upon which provided the needed data for this post. is not affiliated with Facebook in anyway. It’s a platform that is able track data reported from Facebook’s advertising tool to help marketers and researchers understand how Facebook is spreading across the globe.

Number of Ghanaians on Facebook

According to the platform; approximately 700,000 subscribers from Ghana have sign-up on Facebook been total users till date. Out of this number; 470, 560 are Males and this represents 68.3% and 218,480 been Females which represents 31.7%.  The photos below should give you a clear idea of the data been compared.


Percentage of Ghanaian Males/Females on Facebook

When the above data is broken down; those between the ages of 18 – 24yrs dominate the social networking site making up 44.9% followed by 25- 34yrs olds who are at 32.0%. More info below:


Age Range of Ghanaians on Facebook

Do you know that; currently there are about 1.733 billion internet users in the world? When Facebook gets half of that then their user base would balloon to 850 million. Amazingly there are still some countries that have some other social networking sites dominating.

The diagram below distinguishes between the percentage of Online Population of both Ghana and Nigeria. Nigeria with a total population of about 2,102,120 active subscribers on Facebook have 21.02% of Online population at all times whiles Ghana with a total of about 700,000 active subscribers have 79.14%.


Online Population Between Ghana & Nigeria

According to InternetWorldStats; Ghana’s internet penetration is at 5.3% with 1,297,000 internet users as of June, 2010. This is a big improvement of last year’s stats of 4.2% with 997,000 of internet users as of June/2009.

What is accounting for this high margin in Online population between Ghana and Nigeria?

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Worldwide Top 30 for Internet Penetration Rate in 2010

BloggingGhanaSocial Media

Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.