MEST Africa Appoints Melissa Nsiah as Director of Portfolio

Melissa Nsiah has been named the new Director of Portfolio at MEST, the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology.
MEST Africa

MEST, Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology, has announced the appointment of Melissa Nsiah as its new Director of Portfolio.

Melissa Nsiah, a business coach and operations management expert from Ghana, has been appointed the new director of the portfolio at MEST, the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology.

Melissa, who was formerly the programme manager for Stanford Seed West and South Africa, will collaborate closely with Jorn Lyseggen, the founder of MEST Africa, to provide leadership and direction to the MEST portfolio companies, with a particular emphasis on aiding the businesses with growth and scale strategies.

With a strong background in operations, project management, user experience, and programme design, Melissa brings practical experience to the table in corporate leadership, team building, system development, and business coaching.

According to Jorn Lyseggen, the founder of Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST Africa), “Melissa is a unique combination of entrepreneur, executive, and business coach with an in-depth experience from doing business on the African continent as well as the US market,” said in response to a question about the appointment.

She has a strong sense of purpose and is passionate about the developing African tech sector. Melissa joins the MEST team, and we are honoured to do so,” he added.

In addition, Melissa is an advocate for sustainability and STEAM, and she spends the majority of her free time raising money for young people’s STEAM education as well as promoting green and anti-pollution projects. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University, where she concentrated on the relationship between technology and society.

MEST Africa is a hub network, internal seed fund, and training programme for tech entrepreneurs that serve the entire continent of Africa.

They offer the knowledge, frame of mind, and experiences necessary for developing a successful tech company on a global scale for new and seasoned African entrepreneurs. In addition, MEST Africa offers real-world advantages to entrepreneurs through investment, company incubation, and access to a global tech network, in addition to training them in tech and entrepreneurial skills.

Africa StartupsAfrican EntrepreneursEntrepreneurship & StartupsGhanaGhana StartupsInnovation Hubs