First-ever re:publica Conference Scheduled for Accra, Ghana from Dec 14 -15

First-ever re:publica Conference heads to Accra, Ghana in partnership with BMZ and Hub Accra to celebrate Africa’s rising Tech & Innovation scene.

First-ever re:publica Conference heads to Accra, Ghana in partnership with BMZ and Hub Accra to celebrate Africa’s rising Tech & Innovation scene.

re:publica Conference – Europe’s largest gathering of digital nomads, tech-entrepreneurs, bloggers, and change activists will be heading to Accra, Ghana from December 14 – 15 under the theme: “Next Level“.

Together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Impact Hub Accra, the team would like to strengthen the dialogue on digital topics between Germany and Africa and use this intersection of digitization and development.

Digital Africa!

Africa is considered to be the continent of opportunity. With the fastest growing and youngest population worldwide, it is clear: The future is not only young and hungry for knowledge; it’s also digital. More and more hubs of innovation are springing up from which other countries can also profit. Particularly in the tech sector, the opportunities are immense.

This is where re:publica and the BMZ come in: with our shared idea that digital technologies play a role when social and economic challenges need to be faced at a global level and innovative solutions must be found.

Flashback to #rpTen in Berlin – May 2016.

re:publica banner 2016

In May 2016, I had the privilege to be invited to speak and share insights on “Blogging culture and youth engagement in Ghana” at 10th Anniversary edition of the re:publica conference.

I shared insight on how Social Media was used in monitoring Ghana’s election in 2012 and how plans were underway for another #GhanaDecides project for the general elections before 7 November 2016.

The role the blogging community in Ghana played in the lead to the election and how was social media was effectively utilized.

Participate: the Call for Participation is open!

Do you have ideas? The re:publica conference have the right platform: From now on you can submit lectures, panels, workshops, installations, exhibitions, performances and more for the rpAccra program until September 9, 2018.

The contributions should focus on one of the following categories: Politics & Society, Arts & Culture, Business & Innovation, Science & Education as well as Media & Journalism. They should also be relevant to re:publica’s core topics. Further information can be found here.

re:publica Accra Tickets

Get your tickets for re:publica Accra, on December 14-15! Tickets are available and are valid on both event days.

On the event days you will either need a printed or digital version of your ticket. Children up to and including 15 years enter for free and don’t need a ticket.

AccraEntrepreneurship & StartupsGhanaMobile TechnologyMobile Technology StartupsSocial Entrepreneurship EventsStartupsTechnology

Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.