Sandi Owusu's Diva Delicious Line….

Have you come across any lady in Ghana using a hand-bag by Diva Delicious? Did you care to know, who was the brain behind those ideas? Well; yours truly...

Have you come across any lady in Ghana using a hand-bag by Diva Delicious? Did you care to know, who was the brain behind those ideas? Well; yours truly is about to bring more information about the bag and the brain behind it to your eyes and ears. Stay tuned…!

Sandi Owusu - CEO of Diva Delicious Products

Diva Delicious is the start-up brainchild of Sandi Owusu. Sandi was a Junior High School mate from Creator JSS in Tema. An Akora [Old Student of Achimota Sec. Sch] & a Legonite [Graduate; Uni. of Ghana] is one of Ghana’s young, beautiful, talented and gorgeous model. I wasn’t surprised when I heard; she was/is the brain behind Diva Delicious because of her passion for fashion and modeling. Sincerely speaking [typing], hearing about her had been the idea for Diva Delicious on my blog…
Sandi is the youngest in her line of trade but boasts of bracing designs admired by people of all ages. She is wholly artistic and can best be referred to as a “creative brain”. With a wide range of creative products, her chic lady bags are in the majority. Her products are attractively woven and characterized by a perfect blend of alluring colours, accounting for her peculiarity among the host of other imaginative designers.
According to Sandi;

the range of products on the Diva Delicious line comprises of  purses but will soon expand to include other fashion accessories e.g. Hats, Jewelry, Sandals/slip-ons, Sunglasses etc.etc to tantalize and enthrall you.

For custom made orders, please contact Diva Delicious at least 2 weeks in advance via [] or on +233.262.211717 or +233.243.211717

A model with some of the DD Bags.

Brown-woven Diva Delicious Bag

Pink-woven Diva Deliclous Bag

Brown-woven Diva Delicious Bag with blue & purple flowers.

Yellow Diva Delicious Bag with a Blue Gem

In the next couple of years to come, be on the look out for Sandi’s Diva Delicious products from Accra through Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, Paris & New York.

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.