Support Sankofa Pictures on Mensa's "No One Knows"

My Sister-from-another-mother; Sam Kessie sent me this info about Sankofa Pictures shooting Mensa‘s new music video; No One Knows. Check this story out and visit this site to support...

My Sister-from-another-mother; Sam Kessie sent me this info about Sankofa Pictures shooting Mensa‘s new music video; No One Knows. Check this story out and visit this site to support the production of this music video.

No One Knows - Mensa

M3NSA recorded his 2nd Album ‘No. 1 MANGO STREET’ (which launches October 2, 2010), as a yearning shout out to the land of his birth. He pays homage and takes a nostalgic trip down memory lane, vividly depicting the rich, varied nuances of Ghanaian life from an adult, almost outsider perspective.
This album, mixed and mastered by GRAMMY AWARD WINNING engineer Ed Reed, features a perfect blend of well-known and upcoming gifted artists with an authentic feel of West African high-life, beautifully fused with an organic hip-hop sound. This unique 14 track collection is excitingly new yet strangely familiar. From No. 1 Mango Street, we introduce to you, his 1st international single, ‘No One Knows‘.
Follow & support his great cause here; No One Knows

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.