
  • AI

    Bridging the Gap: AI’s Potential in Africa’s Data Desert.

    In sub-Saharan Africa, one of the world’s most exciting emerging markets, AI innovators are helping everyone from small farmers to a rising generation of young workers to participate in a sustainable and data-driven economy....
  • TaskMate Launches In Kenya To Provide Locals With Money-Making Opportunities.

    TaskMate, a crowdsourcing app that lets people use smartphones to do tasks and get paid, has been launched in Kenya by Google. Google has just launched TaskMate, a crowdsourcing app that lets people use smartphones to do tasks and get paid, in Kenya after a year-long experiment in the East African country....
  • 30 Brilliant African Tech Startups To Watch

    From the blog: 30 African startups were profiled. Their selections were based on the startup coming from an African root and secondly, it been just brilliant. From Transport apps: TaxiRank – South Africa Down in Cape Town, Taxi Rank makes it easy for the city’s 4-million citizens to...
  • Google_Org

    Understanding Barriers to Mobile Internet adoption in Kenya and Ghana

    Paul Lee, Senior Product Manager from shares on his trip to Africa the key to understanding barriers to Mobile Internet adoption in Kenya and Ghana From the Google Africa Blog: Paul Lee, Senior Product Manager from shares on his trip to Africa (Ghana and Kenya). partnered...
  • Google+ African Brothers Commercial

    Google is out with a new internet commercial Google+ African Brothers which aims to encourage families to sign up on Google+ — Google’s social network. Google Plus is part Twitter, part Facebook and part Beluga. It gives you yet another way to build a social network and share information...
  • 100 Social Networking Statistics & Facts for 2012

    Social media is here to stay and has changed the way we connect, interact with each other and everyone around us. Social media have helped toppled regimes during the Arab Spring and changed some policies on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. – Do you know that there are more mobile...
  • Fred Swaniker: Lifting Africa by Empowering Its Youth

      Finding opportunities for young people is a critical challenge for Africa, where 62 percent of the population—more than 600 million young people—is below the age of 25. With no signs that population growth will slow in the decades to come, it is imperative that Africa leverage the talent...
  • Meet Kevin Doe – 15-year-old Sierra Leone Whiz Kid

    Meet Kelvin Doe aka Dj Focus, a 15-year-old self-taught hardware hacking whiz-kid from Sierra Leone who was given the chance to visit and study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)  by David Moinina Sengeh after he run a summer innovation camp in Sierra Leone. The video below shows highlights from the...
  • WCIT Conference in Dubai Threatens Internet Freedom

    The World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) – a 12-day conference that began on December 3 and run till December 14, 2012 in Dubai, UAE – brought together Internet policy makers (government regulators from 193 countries) and the broader Internet community to reviewing the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs), adopted...