
  • Interview: Jarreth Merz – Director; An African Election Documentary

    “Ghana found itself in the same place in which the U.S. election stalled in the 2000 presidential elections. But instead of the unwillingness of the candidates to allow the system to proceed and the people to decide, Ghana honored democracy and its people.” (Jarreth Merz)  Sometime last month (Ma5...
  • Interview With Jarreth Merz – Director; An African Election documentary

    “Ghana found itself in the same place in which the U.S. election stalled in the 2000 presidential elections. But instead of the unwillingness of the candidates to allow the system to proceed and the people to decide, Ghana honored democracy and its people.” (Jarreth Merz) Sometime last month (Ma5...
  • Are You In Accra? Join Us For BlogCamp 2012…!!!

    If you are serious about taking your online visibility to the next level and feel like a “newbie” or a “skeptic” when blogging/blogs are mentioned; then BlogCamp 2012 is your ideal event. The 21st century has become synonymous with social networking of which blogging plays a major role. Blogging...
  • Mobile Web East Africa, Nairobi-Kenya.

    Last week, I saw a couple of tweet updates from my colleague blogger; David Oluniyi Ajao about the Mobile Web East Africa Conference which took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 3rd– 4th Feb, 2010 at the Hotel Intercontinental. The hash tag for the event on twitter was #MWEA10. The...