Climate Change

  • Apps4Africa Climate Change (West Africa) Winner Announced.

    Congratulations to the winners of the App 4 Climate Challenge (West Africa). From the Apps4Africa Blog: 1st prize $15,000 – HospitalManager by Victor Ogo Ekwueme (Nigeria) HospitalManager is a web-based application that helps hospitals and health organizations prepare for disasters such as floods and storms. More frequent heat spells,...
  • Global Work Party-10.10.10 in Sekondi/Takoradi

    As part of activities marking the Global Work Party on 10.10.10; about 5000 events in 170 countries were coordinated by the climate activist group on October 10, 2010. More than 350 of these events were in Africa. According to media statements, in the days surrounding the work...
  • Sex, Catastrophe, Climate Change?

    “Sex, Catastrophe, Climate Change? How to get the attention of a media-sated public!” UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has warned of impending disaster if the world does not succeed in slowing global warming – something that will especially affect low-lying coastal areas. The disappointing outcome of the Copenhagen...
  • Global concern about Climate Change: The media must inform and educate!

    People all over the world continue to see climate change as a threat. The majority expect the media to not only inform the public about climate change, but also educate them about its consequences. At the same time, the number of people who aren’t concerned at all has risen...
  • Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Bonn – Germany

    The Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum started yesterday with lots of discussion and talks from various idealists, Innovators, Climate Change Activists, Reporters and the media as a whole. The theme for the three-day international event in the German city of Bonn is; “The Heat Is On – Climate Change...
  • My TEDxYouthInspire Talk on Social Media Impact on African Youth

    Growing up in a small trading-town of Keta in the Volta Region, my grand-mother; Madam Doris Degadjor-Deha; a Cereal/Grains Seller in the Keta Market paid so much attention to Education as the only key to eradicating poverty in our family. Back in the day, she always makes me write...