Election 2012

  • New Ghana Decides Campaign – Our Vote, Our Voice!

    Just a few days to Ghana’s Election on December 7, Ghana Decides is out a new campaign to encourage voter participation in the upcoming 2012 Elections. The process is very simple: Fill out an online or offline pledge card and provide us with your contact information so that we...
  • Free Screening: African Election Docie @ TALK PARTY Series

    Ghana Decides teams up with the AccraAlt TALK PARTY Series for the FREE screening and Questions & Answer session with the filmmaker, Jarreth Merz of An African Election on Friday, August 31st 2012 from 7pm – 10pm @ Exhibition Hall – Alliance Francaise An African Election is a remarkable...
  • GhanaDecides: A Social Media Election Monitoring Project from Ghana

    The non-partisan project Ghana Decides, launched on March 24, “aims to foster a better informed electorate for free, fair and safe 2012 Elections using online social media tools.” Ghanaians go to the polls in December 2012 to vote in the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections to either elect a new President or maintain the current government.  In other to help...
  • #GhanaDecides: A Social Media Election Monitoring Project from Ghana

    Ghanaians go to the polls in December 2012 to vote in the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections to either elect a new President or maintain the current government. In other to help streamline the voter registration process, the country is now implementing its first-ever biometric voter registration — in other...