Ghana Elections

  • #GhanaElections: How To Access Social Media During Internet Blockades with VPNs

    As Ghana goes to polls, the possibility for social media and the internet to be blocked is imminent. Here's a guide on how to by-pass the blockade and access the internet and social media platforms....
  • Photos: NDC Supporters Jubilates in Sekondi-Takoradi

    Below are photos from Sekondi-Takoradi of NDC supporters celebrating on the streets of Sekondi-Takoradi; moments after the Electoral Commissioner Dr. Afari Gyan declared John Dramani Mahama, President of the Republic of Ghana. Related articles NDC wins- Celebrants hit the streets (
  • Ghana Elections Infographic by @GhanaDecides

    The Ghanaian electorates goes to the poll to elect a President and Parliamentary candidates for their 275 constituencies on Friday, December 7, 2012. Over the past couple of months, Ghana Decides team been using social media tools (Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Online debates) to monitor the political dialogue...
  • New Ghana Decides Campaign – Our Vote, Our Voice!

    Just a few days to Ghana’s Election on December 7, Ghana Decides is out a new campaign to encourage voter participation in the upcoming 2012 Elections. The process is very simple: Fill out an online or offline pledge card and provide us with your contact information so that we...
  • Ghana Elections Hub Launched

    From the Google Africa Blog: December 7th 2012, will be an important day for Ghana and Ghanaian voters.  Ghana has already established a reputation for a being a vibrant and stable democracy, and expectations are that the upcoming election in December will be yet another opportunity to reinforce the...