Mobile Technology

  • Ghana-school-e1541082605541

    How is Ghana using ICTs for development? Comm. Minister Ursula Owusu-Ekuful explains.

    Last year in Ghana, 2 million citizens came online for the first time. Through rural internet connections, they were able to access information and resources previously unavailable. And the country has plans to connect millions more in the years to come....
  • Want To Learn Yoruba? There's An App For That – SpeakYoruba!

    Mobile content developer AJA.LA is proud to announce the release of its first mobile app, SpeakYoruba, now available to download in the Apple App Store with dedicated versions for the iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad. SpeakYoruba combines beautifully illustrated flashcards with the iOS touch interface for a fun and easy...
  • Spotlight on Africa – Mobile Statistics & Facts 2012 [Video]

    Praekelt Foundation -  an incubator for mobile technology which improves the health and well-being of people living in poverty. According to their recent report, they believe mobile technology is reshaping the future of the African continent, and that we (Africans) have a chance to guide that change, using this...
  • eLearning Africa 2012 on ICT4Education – Cotonou, Benin

    eLearning Africa is the Africa largest annual conference on ICT for development, education and training. It is a prime networking opportunity and an unrivaled platform for discussion amongst decision-makers in government, the private sector and education. The man behind the “Hole in the wall” research (the provocative yet persuasive...
  • Barcamp Takoradi – March 3rd, 2012

    BarCamp Takoradi 2012 is happening on March 3rd at the Takoradi Polytechnic Auditorium.The theme is “Empowering the emerging middle class in a budding economy: efficient use of technology in entrepreneurship”. This is a FREE event for anyone who is interested in using their skills, talent, and resources to benefit Takoradi, Ghana and Africa...
  • Mobile Web East-Africa 2012 – Nairobi, Kenya

    The East Africa edition of the All Amber organized mobile technology conferences, Mobile Web East Africa 2012, is set to take place in Nairobi on the 22nd and 23rd of this month. The conference is supported by Kenya’s *iHub and m:lab East Africa. The conference is organized by UK based company All...