
  • Ghana Elections Hub Launched

    From the Google Africa Blog: December 7th 2012, will be an important day for Ghana and Ghanaian voters.  Ghana has already established a reputation for a being a vibrant and stable democracy, and expectations are that the upcoming election in December will be yet another opportunity to reinforce the...
  • BBC Africa Debate: Is an African Spring Looming on the 2012 Horizon?

    Is an African Spring Looming on the 2012 Horizon? BBC Africa Debate explores and deliberate with Ghanaian listeners at the launch of their new program. While researching towards this article, I couldn’t use any quote to support my opening than borrowing this from the Guardian’s Dave Sherman: “Democracy does...
  • Apps4Africa Climate Change (West Africa) Winner Announced.

    Congratulations to the winners of the App 4 Climate Challenge (West Africa). From the Apps4Africa Blog: 1st prize $15,000 – HospitalManager by Victor Ogo Ekwueme (Nigeria) HospitalManager is a web-based application that helps hospitals and health organizations prepare for disasters such as floods and storms. More frequent heat spells,...
  • Re-blogged: Thousands At Risk of Losing Their Homes in Accra, Ghana

    By Ryan Schlief This week, WITNESS, and other land and housing rights organizations, signed a public statement demanding a stop to the planned forced eviction of thousands in Ghana’s capital city Accra. The signature campaign was organized here at the World Social Forum in Dakar, Senegal. The communities living...