TED Auditions Comes to Nairobi, Tunis & Johannesburg

TED (Technology Entertainment Design) is offering anybody the opportunity to join the ranks of Bill Gates, Al Gore and Jane Goodall as a TED speaker. From April – June 2012,...

TED 2013 Worldwide Auditions

TED (Technology Entertainment Design) is offering anybody the opportunity to join the ranks of Bill Gates, Al Gore and Jane Goodall as a TED speaker.
From April – June 2012, the organizers of the global event will be holding public auditions in 3 African cities – Nairobi, Tunis and Johannesburg – to discover emerging, overlooked talents or the hidden geniuses in almost every sphere of influence.
This is the first time that the conference has held public auditions. You can submit yours by uploading a one-minute video to YouTube or Vimeo that explains your idea, and then linking to it in the online application. “We’re holding this audition to give a chance to the undiscovered talent we know is out there — and especially talent that can help us continue to reinvent the ancient art of the spoken word,” reads the online application.
Through presentations covering creativity, invention, business, science and other global issues, TED2013 looks to get half of its lineup of speakers from the auditions. TED has indicated that it is looking for different category of influencers which you can check here. The three African cities will join 13 other cities, on six continents which will be in hosting TED2013 Worldwide Auditions whose theme will be “The Young, The Wise, The Undiscovered”.
Finalists will give their presentations live in New York on May 24, and the best auditions will be posted on TED.com. Selected applicants will be invited to the auditions and have their videos online for public voting. The 50 most popular candidates will be considered for upcoming TED events.

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: mj@macjordangh.com or text: +233(0)544335582.