Tip: How To Use Google's URL; Goo.gl In TweetDeck.

As an avid TweetDeck user, I have always wanted to share links from my blog-posts and other interesting articles on Social Media, ICT4D, African Tech, Mobile Entrepreneurship, Gender Issues...

As an avid TweetDeck user, I have always wanted to share links from my blog-posts and other interesting articles on Social Media, ICT4D, African Tech, Mobile Entrepreneurship, Gender Issues and Photography with Google’s URL Shortener; Goo.gl

Goo.gl URL Trick In TweetDeck.

Goo.gl URL Trick In TweetDeck.

After much digging and research, I came across a link/API which shortens all links in TweetDeck using goo.gl. Please find more details below:

  • Start your TweetDeck client
  • Go to TweetDeck “Settings” by clicking wrench icon in the top right corner
  • Select the tab “Services” in the “TweetDeck Settings” window.  Choose “Other” under shorten URLs services
  • Copy and paste this URL shortening Endpoint – https://tdutils.appspot.com/shorten/googl?longUrl=%@
  • Click on “Save Settings”
  • Click back to TweetDeck interface where you can now begin to use Goo.gl URL shortener.

Hope you find this post interesting and practicable. If you have other Social Media tips and tricks to share, you’re always welcome to share them here.

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Social MediaTechnology

Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: mj@macjordangh.com or text: +233(0)544335582.