• Infographic: The Best Time To Send Emails

    When should you email your Boss, Colleague or Associate about a newsletter or promotion? And how often should you do this? This questions has been around since the dawn of e-mail marketing. My life as a Technologist and a Social Media Enthusiast dwells on emails and haven’t thought about...
  • Mobile Tech: How Mobile Devices Are Changing Media Consumption

    InMobi, the world’s largest independent mobile advertizing network, has released its updated network research report on how Mobile devices have change the way we consume media in this succinct infographic below: (don’t you just love infographics for the way they just make complex things look very simple?) Related articles...
  • Men Dominates Google+, Women Take Over Pinterest & Others

    In a recent market survey complied by Website-Monitoring.com, a few key trends about Google+user demographics were revealed.  The most eye-opening stat:  67% of all users were male.  The company believes the fact that Google+ is closely integrated with other Google products popular with young men, namely Android and Gmail, make...
  • Report: How Africa Use The Social Networking Tool – Twitter.

    Most people these days  think the social networking tool – Twitter is an American or European phenomenon, but you’ll be surprised how heavily it is been used on the African continent based on research findings by Portland Communications and Tweetminster from the last three (October, November & December) months...