Men Dominates Google+, Women Take Over Pinterest & Others

In a recent market survey complied by, a few key trends about Google+user demographics were revealed.  The most eye-opening stat:  67% of all users were male.  The company believes...

In a recent market survey complied by, a few key trends about Google+user demographics were revealed.  The most eye-opening stat:  67% of all users were male.  The company believes the fact that Google+ is closely integrated with other Google products popular with young men, namely Android and Gmail, make it appealing to the men.
This of course is the exact opposite of most social media networking sites. Women hold the slight majority of users on Twitter, a 55% majority on Facebook, and a whopping 97% share on Pinterest.
With 99% of users reporting their gender (1% reporting as other) and an astounding sample size of over 43 million users, these Google+ statistics are quite astounding:


With regards to the countries dominating Google+; United States takes the No.1 at 32%, India comes 2nd at 14%, followed by Brazil 3rd at 5.4%. The United Kingdom comes 4th at 3.88%, Canada comes 5th at 2.46% while comes 10th at 1.70%.
I honestly expect to see these stats level out as Google is now forcing a Google+ profile on anyone who signs up for a Google Product (YouTube, Google Docs, Google Apps.)
Other additional interesting data includes:

  • ‘Student’ is the top occupation at 20.01%
  • Bangalore is the top city at 3.86%
  • ‘Single’ is the most popular relationship status at 42.06%
  • Britney Spears tops the chart of “Most Followed Personality” at 1,756,568 followers.
  • Coldplay tops the “Most Followed Page” at 714,574 followers.

For more info and stats see the full report from Google+ Facts & Figures. You may want to add Mac-Jordan Degadjor to your circles.

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.