• How To: LIVE-Blog or Tweet From A Global Event/Conference!

    Whiles in Johannesburg, South Africa; Live-blogging from the “Sub-Saharan Africa Freedom of Expression & Internet Workshop”; a colleague whom I’ve known for a long time, joined twitter not long ago and I’m sorry to say; not too ICT-inclined sent me a message on Facebook asking; What are those stuffs...
  • Call For Applications: DABRA 2011

    The 2011 DIAGEO Africa Business Reporting Awards (DABRA) which was launched last week in Nairobi, Kenya is currently accepting entries into the various categories. The 2010 awards attracted 750 entries that were narrowed down to the finalists. Invitations are welcome from all African countries. Entries must reach the secretariat...
  • African Union; Why Include A Dictator (Mugabe) in Ivory Coast's Mediation?

    Image via Wikipedia I’ve been following with keen interest; the revolutions that took place in Tunisia a couple of weeks ago and the very one happening in Egypt right now. I believe the citizens of those countries can’t take the oppression from their dictators any longer and are pressing...
  • 2010 In Review

    The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health: The Blog-Health-o-Meterâ„¢ reads Wow. Crunchy numbers A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 6,600 times in 2010....
  • How Influential Are You Online? Use Klout…!

    Image via CrunchBase How many times have you come across these buzzwords; “influence and social currency” in your daily digest of blog posts, articles, and tweets? What do these terms mean? I use Klout to track and measure my influence on the internet.  I believe you have a question...
  • Goo.gl URL Shortener Now Accessible In Ghana

    I’ve always been longing to tweet with Google’s URL Shortener Service; http://goo.gl when it was last launched a couple of months ago. I’ve seen one of my favorite ICT4D Tweep & follower; @Wayan_Vota use it a couple of times and I guess, he’s still using it. Woke up this...
  • Who Is An Average Ghanaian…?

    I came across this blog; Kitchen Floor Cockroach by a Ghanaian blogger who also happened to be a law student in Accra, Ghana. Before continuing, this blog-post is aimed at who is considered the AVERAGE Ghanaian.  Do you have any idea who that person is? What qualities define that...
  • Making The Most of Twitter

    On July 23, 2009; I did a blog-post on my new found social media platform; Twitter and how it’s positively influencing my social life. Just this morning, I caught a post on my tweet radar on; “Making the most of...
  • Why Do Ghanaian Employers Require University Education?

    Image by AdamCohn via Flickr Yesterday, I had a call from a friend who’s been job-hunting from the middle of last year till now. He’s been lucky to be short-listed for a few interviews but none ever worked out due to the “university degree” menace rocking the nation. This...