TEDx YouthInspire LIVE in Accra, Ghana

TEDxYouthInspire has joined the rungs of the increasing number of African youth-focused development programmes to be hosted in Ghana. Other events recently hosted here that immediately come to mind...

TEDx YouthInspire LIVE in Accra

TEDxYouthInspire has joined the rungs of the increasing number of African youth-focused development programmes to be hosted in Ghana. Other events recently hosted here that immediately come to mind are BarCamp Ghana and Maker Faire Africa.
The brilliant thing about TEDxYouthInspire, and other programmes like it, is that it is the initiative of private individuals and youth groups who are determined to inspire positive change on the African continent. In addition, local start-ups, corporate organizations and academic institutions have been quick to lend their support, resulting in tremendous success.
Consequently, bloggers have been quick to give rave reviews. Find interesting articles by Ghanaian bloggers here, here, here and here. This event is for you if you’re a young person between the ages of 14 and 25.
So what is TEDxYouthInspire?
From the event’s website:
TEDxYouthInspire is an open space for the continent’s youngest visionaries to collaborate and reevaluate the possibilities of creating a better global community. A one-day, participatory event, TEDxYouthInspire will use the theme “A Good Head & A Good Heart“, taken from a quote by former South African President, Nelson Mandela, to exhibit how extraordinary youth leaders combine radical thought and integrity of spirit to set in motion unlimited possibilities for a brighter future.
The event takes inspiration from the TED conference.
Who is behind this?
TEDxYouthInspire is being put together by Raquel Wilson (Event Curator), Sharon Brooks (Publicity Coordinator) and Worlali Senyo (Location Coordinator – Ghana). The trio are supported by a team of volunteers who have offered their time and expertise to assist in various aspects of the organisation.

Where and when will it be held?

The venue for TEDxYouthInspire is the Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT (AITI-KACE). It will be held on 10th April, 2010.
Who and Who are Speaking?
Among the various speakers for the day are; Miss Esi Yankah; President & Founder of African Mentor Network Inc, Miss. Shirley Osei-Mensah, High School Student & Entrepreneur and myself; Mac-Jordan Holdbrookes-Degadjor, a Ghanaian Social Blogger. There shall be other pre-recorded talks from various TED Fellows amongst them; Mr. Patrick Awuah, Founder of Ashesi University and Ory Okolloh of Kenyan Pundit Fame
Why should I attend?
1. Listen, be inspired and get motivated
Event attendees will be listening to their colleagues, who have made significant impacts in various spheres, make the speech of their lives. By so doing they will be inspired and motivated to work towards their life goals. African youth will be shown that it is possible to make it in Africa.

2. Meet and interact with like-minded young people
Attendees at the event will be meeting other young people who are passionate about Africa and are hungry to bring change to the continent through technology, entrepreneurship and leadership. At TEDxYouthInspire, you will have the opportunity to interact with people who are brimming with fresh ideas just like you. Who knows? You may just meet the person with whom you’ll start your next project with!
3. Get challenged
At TEDxYouthInspire, attendees will be challenged to start working on ideas that they have just like the speakers have done. This will be the final push to get out of your comfort zone. The message to attendees is loud and clear: “the African renaissance is nigh, get on board!”
What should I do next?
Registration is opened for young Africans between the ages of 14 and 25.
Go to the event’s website to learn more about TEDxYouthInspire. Register at the website before 31st January on which registration closes. Keep your fingers crossed and wait for your acceptance email. 🙂
Credit : Gameli Adzaho; Member of Ghana Blogging Group and Author of the Gamelian World Blog

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: mj@macjordangh.com or text: +233(0)544335582.