Day 1: Maker Faire Africa Lagos – Makers Spotlight

Maker Faire Africa – a celebration of African innovation, designs, invention and ingenuity started on a very cool note. Most makers and exhibitors at this year’s event arrived early...

Maker Faire Africa – a celebration of African innovation, designs, invention and ingenuity started on a very cool note. Most makers and exhibitors at this year’s event arrived early on time to start setting up their inventions and designs for the day.
Designs/Inventions ranged from out-stretched “tuk-tuk” Limo bicycles, hydraulics powered toys from old syringes, simple wind turbines, pavement stones produced from plastic material and sands to Recyclers on Wheels – Wecyclers.

A stretched “Limo” tricycle. Credit:

Maker Spotlight – Wecyclers
Wecyclers project is an initiative between Kenyan Jonathan Kola and Nigerian Billikiss Abiola which started about 4-years ago.

Kenyan Jonathan Kola – Co-founder of

Wecyclers is empowering communities in Lagos to capture the value in recyclable materials and clean-up their communities. They operate a low-cost bicycle collection vehicle that collect recyclable materials (plastic bottles, sachet water bags, disposable glass and paper waste) directly from households in Lagos. Households are rewarded for recycling with them through an incentive program they have in place.
NB: Internet connection is very slow at the moment. I shall update the blog once connection is fast and up. Thanks for your patience.


Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.