Maker Faire Africa

  • Day 1: Maker Faire Africa Lagos – Entrepreneur Spotlight – Nneamaka Nwosisi

    African fabrics are been used in designing fashion accessories and more these days. Not only in Ghana is this creativity and innovation available. At Maker Faire Africa Lagos event, young and elegant Nneamaka Nwosisi showcased fashion accessory made with locally sourced African fabrics/prints. According to Nneamaka, she started her...
  • Day 1: Maker Faire Africa Lagos – Makers Spotlight

    Maker Faire Africa – a celebration of African innovation, designs, invention and ingenuity started on a very cool note. Most makers and exhibitors at this year’s event arrived early on time to start setting up their inventions and designs for the day. Designs/Inventions ranged from out-stretched “tuk-tuk” Limo bicycles,...
  • Maker Faire africa 2012 – Lagos, Nigeria

    Maker Faire Africa is delighted to announce their 4th event Maker Faire Africa, Lagos which will take place in Lagos, Nigeria from November 5 – 6, 2012. Join them once again as they continue to cultivate new and existing maker communities across Africa. As was the case in Accra...
  • PopTech: Africa on the rise – Erik Hersman

    Erik Hersman asks us to shed outdated notions of Africa as a unified place plagued by starvation and war. Between mobile phone innovations like M-PESA, social networking like MXit and entrepreneurial spaces like Maker Faire Africa, Hersman sees innovation and entrepreneurship exploding within some of Africa’s—and the world’s—fastest growing...
  • Maker Faire Africa 2011: Egypt

    From October 6 – 8, 2011; Inventors, Developer, Makers, Idealist, Entrepreneurs, and Bloggers will meet-up on the campus of American University in Cairo for Maker Faire Africa 2011 under the hashtag: #MFA11. As was the case in Accra, Ghana (09) and Nairobi, Kenya (10); MFA 2011 will present and...
  • Kumasi Mini Maker Faire : 5 – 7 Aug, 2011

    When it comes to promoting African Technology & Innovation (African Ingenuity) focused initiatives in Africa, one organization/group stands out. The Maker Faire Africa crew deserves a standing ovation for the good jobs they started in Accra, Ghana during Maker Faire Africa 2009, MFA ’10 in Nairobi, Kenya and MFA...
  • Maker Faire Africa 2011 : Cairo, Egypt

    From the Maker Faire Africa Blog: Maker Faire Africa is pleased to announce our 3rd event, ‘Maker Faire Africa 2011 : Cairo‘ which will take place in Egypt, October 6-8th, 2011.  Join us once again as we continue to cultivate  new and existing maker communities across Africa. As was...
  • Re-blogged: Meet The TED Global 2011 Fellows Working Within Africa

    Re-blogged via Timbuktu Chronicles 5 spectacular individuals with Africa related connections are part of the recently announced TED Global 2011 Fellows class. They are: Femi Akinde – Founder of SlimTrader(covered earlier) , the first platform in Africa allowing consumers to shop for goods and services via their mobile phones through...
  • African Ingenuity at Maker Faire Africa 10

    Over 500 Inventors, Makers, Designers & Artists from all over Africa especially, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana, South Africa & Burundi convened at the fore-court of the University of Nairobi, Kenya for the 2-day African ingenuity event which actually showed case a cross section of latest and most creative...