Google To Open An Artificial Intelligence Research Centre in Ghana

Google made an announcement that it will open an Artificial Intelligence research centre in Accra, Ghana, which will be the first in Africa.
Google Ghana AI

Google made an announcement that it will open an Artificial Intelligence research centre in Accra, Ghana, which will be the first in Africa.

Google announced its plans to create an Artificial Intelligence (AI) research centre in Accra, Ghana and it will be the first in Africa. The tech giant revealed they would open the first AI research centre in Africa “later this year”.

Google disclosed these plans in a and in this post the Silicon Valley giant laid out its strong desire to leave an indelible digital imprint on the continent.

The blog post read:

We’re committed to collaborating with local universities and research centers, as well as working with policymakers on the potential uses of AI in Africa. On a personal note, both of the authors have ties to Africa—Jeff spent part of his childhood in Uganda and Somalia, and Moustapha grew up in Senegal. As such, we’re excited to combine our research interests in AI and machine learning and our experience in Africa to push the boundaries of AI while solving challenges in areas such as healthcare, agriculture, and education.

AI has great potential to positively impact the world, and more so if the world is well represented in the development of new AI technologies. So it makes sense to us that the world should be well represented in the development of AI,” the blog post read.

With this latest development, Accra will join cities like Paris, Zurich, Tokyo, Beijing, Montreal, Toronto, Seattle, Cambridge/Boston, Tel Aviv/Haifa, New York, and Google’s own Mountain View/San Francisco headquarters in hosting AI research centres.

GhanaArtificial IntelligenceInnovationsTechnology