Initiating Open Government in Ghana

Very exciting to see Google and the Judicial Service of Ghana publicly announce a partnership to digitize and publish judicial opinions! For over a century, the laws of Ghana...

Very exciting to see Google and the Judicial Service of Ghana publicly announce a partnership to digitize and publish judicial opinions!

For over a century, the laws of Ghana have lived in courtrooms and leather-bound books where lawyers and judges across the country can refer to rulings from years ago. Information was often out of date and only accessible to a select few. To improve accountability and expand access to this critical national information, Chief Justice Georgina Wood decided to bring the system on-line.
We are pleased to announce today that the Judicial Service of Ghana has joined the Google Books Partner Programme, uploading judicial opinions from the High Courts, Appellate Courts, and Supreme Court to Google Books and making them searchable from the Court’s homepage.

This may seem like small peanuts, but it’s a big deal! Lawyers, judges, and citizens alike have an easy and public place to check how the law is evolving; and greater transparency cuts down on judicial process errors (or corruption at worst). This is good for litigants, businesses, and the legal ecosystem overall.
It is thanks to the vision of Chief Justice Woods, the dedication and persistence of her senior leadership team, the inventiveness of the court IT staff, and Google’s willingness to explore a new idea that we’re witnessing this mobile justice experiment unfold.  Congrats to the whole team for establishing new standards in judicial process!
via Google Africa Blog

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.