Is the UN's Approval For A "No-fly zone" On Libya An Euphemism For War?

Cross-linked at Future Challenges Organization‘s blog Heads of States, World Leaders, NGO’s & Civil Organizations around the world are vigorously debating the recommend-ability of establishing a No-Fly Zone resolution...

Cross-linked at Future Challenges Organization‘s blog

Heads of States, World Leaders, NGO’s & Civil Organizations around the world are vigorously debating the recommend-ability of establishing a No-Fly Zone resolution to stop the violence unfolding in Libya.
One might want to ask. What is a “No-Fly Zone“? In short and simple explanation:

A no-fly zone (or no-flight zone) is a territory over which aircraft are not permitted to fly. Such zones are usually set up in a military context, somewhat like a demilitarized zone in the sky. (Wikipedia)

If you cast your mind back, somewhere in the mid-90, Rwanda faced a similar situation where Former President Bill Clinton later expressed regret for not acting to save innocent Rwandan lives. Looking at the whole MENA (Middle East & North Africa) revolution today, the stakes in Libya today are more appropriately underscored by the tragedy in Iraq during the Persian Gulf War some 20-years ago.


United Nations Security Council Resolution

Earlier yesterday, the United Nations Security Council has approved a resolution authorizing a No-Fly Zone over Libya and other military actions against Libya as the President Obama administration worked to ready plans to enforce this action with help from the Arab and European allies.
UNSCR was backed by 10 countries, enough to pass it this law, while 5 other countries – including Russia, China and Germany – chose to abstain. None of the UN Security Council members voted against the Resolution.
In addition to a no-fly zone, the measure opens the door to any actions short of a ground invasion to halt attacks that could result in civilian fatalities.
The U.S. government has faced criticism for not moving more aggressively to help the rebels trying to topple Qaddafi, but has finally obtained international support for this effort. The measure passed just as Colonel Qaddafi warned residents of Benghazi, Libya, the rebel capital, that an attack was imminent.
The United States, France and Britain pushed for speedy approval because Muammar al-Qaddafi‘s forces are advancing toward opposition-held Benghazi. The Libyan leader vowed Thursday night to oust the rebels from their eastern stronghold.
French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said if the resolution was approved (now approved), France would support military action against Qaddafi and his forces within hours. The U.S. said it was preparing for action.
According to Susan Rice; U.S. Ambassador to the UN;

“This resolution was designed to do two important things; Protect civilians as well as strengthen the pressure on the Qaddafi regime through a substantial tightening of sanctions.”

Also, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said; a U.N. no-fly zone over Libya

“requires certain actions taken to protect the planes and the pilots, including bombing targets like the Libyan defense systems.”

Questions worth pondering over for comments and opinions:
What does this new resolution mean for the innocent Libyan people? Is this the step in the right direction? How long will this resolution last? Why did some countries abstain from the voting process? What is the future of Qaddafi & his forces? Would this force him to resign?

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