MEST Express Accelerator Opens Applications For Sustainable Startups In Ghana

The MEST Express accelerator, which focuses on developing start-ups in the technology solutions industry, is now accepting applications for its major partner, MEST Africa.

The MEST Express accelerator, which focuses on developing start-ups in the technology solutions industry, is now accepting applications for its major partner, MEST Africa.

Applications are now being accepted for MEST Africa‘s principal partner of the MEST Express accelerator, which focuses on accelerating emerging enterprises in the technology solutions sector.

In support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Foundation is working with the pan-African innovation technology centre to support innovative firms in Ghana that are harnessing innovation to create a bearable future for everyone (SDGs). Entrepreneurs with a sense of purpose who are creating profitable startups are encouraged to apply.

Applications from new businesses will be granted $5,000 in upfront, value-free finance for business improvements. Applications from new firms with female pioneers or senior female personnel are especially encouraged.

With occasional in-person meetings held in Accra, the programme will operate online. The five-month accelerated programme is designed to assist these organizations, boost their efficacy, and ready them for investment. Six new businesses will be selected to participate in it. Every business will take part in a series of specially designed demonstration meetings at the start of the programme to set out the fundamental requirements of the startup.

Participating new firms will work to fill these gaps in sales, advertising and branding, item, tasks, money and investment throughout the course of the programme with the help of the programme specialists.

By removing the obstacles that might be preventing entrepreneurs from moving forward, our relationship with MEST continues to promote, scale, and drive innovation within the Ghanaian startup ecosystem. We anticipate fresh concepts, cutting-edge technology, and long-lasting solutions to be implemented when this new cohort gets started in order to provide young Ghanaian women and men with employment options. Additionally, this programme will help Ghana establish itself as a thriving technological centre in Africa“, according to Rosy Fynn, Ghana Country Head of the Mastercard Foundation.

Up to this point, MEST Express has accelerated more than 50 new enterprises and given 12 new firms in Ghana more than $100,000 in value-free subsidy. Following the success of its most notable accomplice partner, HOPin Academy in Tamale, the programme just launched its first class there in partnership with HapaSpace.

Applications for the upcoming Accra-based new batch will be accepted through July 10th, 2022. On, new enterprises can submit an application. The accelerated programme is honing its focus and delivery strategy after two years of helping 56 new firms in six batches and operating six batches itself.

Our second cohort for the MEST Express accelerator is focused on sustainable companies since, in order to address fundamental issues in Africa, it is frequently necessary to consider how to develop long-lasting solutions that have a good effect on our communities. African businesspeople have a rare opportunity since sustainability addresses pressing issues in a way that is both widely known and appreciated“. According to Femi Adewumi, Director of Programs, MEST Africa, “the fundamental nature of the challenges addressed, assure the markets are big and present potential to mix impact with profitability.

Our research shows that ventures gain more when the support we provide is tailored to their specific needs and takes into account their individual obstacles after two years of managing six cohorts and helping various companies. As a result, this future cohort will provide startups with a higher level of support, whereby certain initiatives will be implemented and managed over the course of the programme to address the particular requirements of the business,” he added.

Credit: MEST Africa

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.