Nokia Create 4 Millions Contest – West Africa

World’s leading mobile manufacturer, Nokia is living up to its promise to connect the next billion to the internet using its platform, the Nokia phone. One of the moves...

World’s leading mobile manufacturer, Nokia is living up to its promise to connect the next billion to the internet using its platform, the Nokia phone.
One of the moves is to push for the development of quality applications for their S40 mobile platform and Nokia is doing just that.
About Create 4 Millions Contest
Reflecting Nokia’s stated strategy to deliver mobile phones and services for the next billion, there will also be a tremendous need to offer outstanding apps for use on those devices. This includes apps for Series 40 phones that inform, educate, entertain, and bring people closer together. Nokia’s Series 40 phones have experienced more than 35 per cent growth in download volumes in the past two months, making up about a quarter of the total downloads from Nokia’s Ovi Store. Now is your chance to make the most of this growing opportunity.
Nokia’s Series 40 phones have experienced more than 35 per cent growth in download volumes in the past two months, making up about a quarter of the total downloads from Nokia’s Ovi Store. Now is your chance to make the most of this growing opportunity.

According to the Head of Nokia’s Ecosystem Developer Experience (EDX) for West Africa Teemu Kiijarvi; Nokia is challenging developers to submit apps on social networking, games and entertainment, life improvement as well as news and locally relevant information apps. The winners in the global competition will share one million euros in price money.
The winners in the global competition will share one million euros in price money.
Mr. Kiijarvi also disclosed that Nokia is also running a local version of this competition and the best application from West Africa will receive a prize of 5000 dollars and all the best 3 applications from West Africa will get an all-expense paid trip to Mobile World Congress 2012 in Barcelona Spain to present West African developers. There are also special prizes that will be awarded to apps showcasing the best touch feature in an app; the best location-aware app; and the best overall Series 40 web app.
There are also special prizes that will be awarded to apps showcasing the best touch feature in an app; the best location-aware app; and the best overall Series 40 web app.
How To Enter The Contest?
To enter Nokia’s Create for Millions contest, you will need to first publish your new Series 40 Java or web app to Ovi Store, and then complete the contest registration form using the link below. Please note: Preference will be given to new applications, originally published to Nokia’s Ovi Store after 15 June 2011.
You must provide the following when you enter the contest:

  • Valid contact details
  • The content item URL from Nokia’s Ovi Store.
  • A short demo video to showcase your app

Note: The deadline to enter Create for Millions has been extended to 1 November 2011

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.