Maker Faire Africa 2011: Egypt

From October 6 – 8, 2011; Inventors, Developer, Makers, Idealist, Entrepreneurs, and Bloggers will meet-up on the campus of American University in Cairo for Maker Faire Africa 2011 under...

From October 6 – 8, 2011; Inventors, Developer, Makers, Idealist, Entrepreneurs, and Bloggers will meet-up on the campus of American University in Cairo for Maker Faire Africa 2011 under the hashtag: #MFA11.
As was the case in Accra, Ghana (09) and Nairobi, Kenya (10); MFA 2011 will present and spotlight the vibrant & endless creative individuals that have come to represent the spirit of making throughout our dear continent.
According to Emeka Okafor; these innovators, artists, and tinkerers will be exhibiting a fusion of the informal and formal; ideas, inventions, hacks, and designs both low-tech & high-tech. From cuisine to machines, come see their re-imagining of products, exploration of novel materials and original solutions for some of the continent’s most important challenges and opportunities.
Prior to Maker Faire Africa 2011, there was a Mini Maker Faire in Kumasi, Ghana by the International Development Design Summit (IDDS) from August 5 -7, 2011. Nana Kwabena Owusu wrote an interesting post about it here: Mini Maker Faire in Kumasi.
I’ll be attending all this important event focused on African inventions, ingenuity, and ideas. While in Cairo, I look forward to meeting other social bloggers, “tech-preneurs” and developers to share ideas on various subjects and also present Future Challenges to them.
I can’t wait to experience the unique Northern African hospitality, flavor and culture at the event. If you’re attending MFA11; let’s connect and share ideas. Follow me on Twitter: @MacJordan and @MakerFaireAfrica for more updates.

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AfricaEntrepreneurship & StartupsEventsSocial MediaTechnology

Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.