Passionate African Twitters Worth Following

This morning, I woke up to see a tweet from Kojo Baffoe requesting for bloggers, writers & interesting people he could follow on Twitter. As I sat on the...

This morning, I woke up to see a tweet from Kojo Baffoe requesting for bloggers, writers & interesting people he could follow on Twitter. As I sat on the edge of my bed reading his tweet, I quickly replied him; by promising to compile a list of followers worth following.
As you all know, there are a lot of people on twitter these days. From the likes of US President Barack Obama, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, CEO of Microsoft Bill Gates, the Legend Michael Jordan (not verified) to my newest follower; Ghanaian upcoming photographer; Ghanyobi Mante.

Passionate African Twitters

I know it’s very difficult to find the right people to follow on twitter at times. I have been in this same shoe before so I definitely know how it feels. The most painful of them all are twitter users who block their tweets.  My question to them is;

“For what reasons are they hiding their tweets? “

Twitter to me is just like,

“sending SMS to the whole world”.

Everyone who follows you, gets to read whatever you sent/tweet despite it might not be meant for them. That not said, I think I’m ready to create a couple of lists worth following.
This list isn’t going to be just any list but one that shall include ONLY those who normally send/tweet good, informative & motivational tweets/updates. If you don’t get on this list, kindly bare with me because not everyone can be on it, just as not everyone shall make it to heaven. [smiling face…] Also, if you think you deserve to be on the list; kindly Direct Message or Ping me and I shall do you the honor by adding you to it.
You can find the curated Passionate Africans Twitter list here;
Other great lists worth following:
> Ida Jeng’s Globally Minded People
> WhiteAfrican’s African Tech List
> Marieme Jamme’s Best Of Africa On Twitter List
> Kajsa Hallberg Adu’s Ghana Bloggers List &
> ICT_Works ICT4D Africa Twitters
You can always find and follow me on Twitter @ MacJordaN


Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.