Rwanda’s ICT Minister Endorses AfriLabs Annual Gathering.

Rwanda's Minister of ICT has given his support to AfriLabs' yearly conference slated from October 11 - 13, 2023, in Kigali.

Rwanda’s Minister of ICT has given his support to AfriLabs’ yearly conference slated from October 11 – 13, 2023, in Kigali.

The 2023 AfriLabs Annual Gathering (AAG), which will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, has received the support of Hon. Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) of Rwanda, according to AfriLabs, the largest pan-African network of technology and innovation hubs in Africa. This followed her tweet from the previous year, in which she expressed her joy at Rwanda being chosen to host this event.

In a recent meeting with a team from AfriLabs consisting of Anna Ekeledo – the Executive Director, Steve Tchoumba – an AfriLabs board member, and some other apex staff, the Minister pledged her support for the AAG. He expressed her commitment to hosting all stakeholders of the African technology and innovation ecosystem for a series of events, adding that she is ready to showcase the opportunities available to them in Rwanda.

Rwanda is always open to welcoming regional and global innovators, and more so to champion critical conversations that unlock forward-looking policies and opportunities for the start-up ecosystem. Our goal is to empower scalable startups that collectively transform our communities with cutting-edge innovations,” said Hon. Paula Ingabire.

AfriLabs team meeting with the ICT Minister ahead of their planned AAG in October 2023.

The AAG, the premier event of AfriLabs, was hosted for the first time in Accra, Ghana, in 2016, and is now conducted annually in various locations around the continent. It has evolved over time from merely a chance to bring together the African technology and innovation ecosystem to becoming a tool to create African institutions, map out policy trajectories, and catalyze the next wave of technological growth in Africa.

The event has become a focal point for change in Africa via cooperation, stakeholder involvement, policy advocacy, and government engagement. For this reason, Hon. Ingabire has promised to continue holding policy discussions throughout this year that would produce noticeable changes in the ecosystem.

We are also pleased to announce that the theme for this year’s Gathering is “Accelerating Africa’s Digital Economy by the Strength of our Community”, and it is scheduled to take place from the 11th to 13th of October 2023.

AfriLabs appreciates the people, government, and innovation community in Rwanda for their strides in positioning themselves as one of the most progressive countries on the continent. We thank the Honorable Minister for putting her weight behind platforms like the AfriLabs Annual Gathering. We look forward to onboarding more partners as we approach the Gathering. To the entire African innovation ecosystem, see you in Kigali in October,” said Anna Ekeledo during her meeting with the Rwandan Minister of ICT.

Registration for the 2023 AfriLabs Annual Gathering has commenced. Interested persons can secure their spots at

About AfriLabs

AfriLabs is a community established in 2011 to support the growth of tech hubs in Africa. These hubs serve as meeting points for developers, entrepreneurs, and investors. AfriLabs believes that developing the African technology industry will enable Africa to participate in the global innovation market and stimulate economic growth.

African Innovations & IdeasInnovation HubsRwandaStartupsTechnologyWomen in Technology