Saya Mobile Wins AppCircus – Mobile Apps Ghana 2011 Challenge

Yesterday saw a pool of budding developers from the tech community in Ghana, meet-up and pitch their apps/development to a jury at the AppCircus – Mobile Apps Ghana Showcase....

Yesterday saw a pool of budding developers from the tech community in Ghana, meet-up and pitch their apps/development to a jury at the AppCircus – Mobile Apps Ghana Showcase.
Saya Mobile – a mobile group chat app still in stealth mode won the top honors. For their prize, the budding developer received an iPad 2 and a cash prize of GHc 2000.00 cedis (USD1400.00).
Infoline Business Directory – a mobile business directory by NandiMobile won the second prize of a notebook and a GHc 1000.00 cash prize. With over 18,000 listings, NandiMobile seeks to make the Infoline business directory the first option for mobile users in Ghana.
SMSTweetbox – was awarded the third prize of a notebook and a GHc 1000.00 cash prize. Their app is a simple SMS to twitter gateway suitable for content aggregation at Barcamps and other social innovation events is an app that allows mobile users to tweet via SMS developed Kwamena Appiah-Kubi.
As part of their prizes, all winners will pitch to a jury at the prestigious Mobile World Congress 2012 in Barcelona, Spain (all expenses paid trip).

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.