
  • Gozem launches e-commerce delivery services in Togo & Benin

    Gozem, the ride-hailing app offering transportation services via motorcycles, tricycles and cars in West and Central Africa, has today taken one step further towards becoming Africa’s all-inclusive super app. With the launch of e-commerce delivery services, users in Lome and Cotonou can not only use Gozem to move around...
  • 3 African Startups Emerge Winners of Nestlé R&D Innovation Challenge

    ShopIt, Exportunity, and Wakulima are the three startups from South Africa, Benin, and Tanzania that have been announced winners of the Nestlé Research and Development (R&D) Innovation Challenge. Three startups from South Africa, Benin and Tanzania have emerged the winners of the Nestlé Research and Development (R&D) Innovation Challenge. The startups are ShopIt, Exportunity, and Wakulima....
  • eLearning Africa 2012 on ICT4Education – Cotonou, Benin

    eLearning Africa is the Africa largest annual conference on ICT for development, education and training. It is a prime networking opportunity and an unrivaled platform for discussion amongst decision-makers in government, the private sector and education. The man behind the “Hole in the wall” research (the provocative yet persuasive...
  • Nokia Create 4 Millions Contest – West Africa

    World’s leading mobile manufacturer, Nokia is living up to its promise to connect the next billion to the internet using its platform, the Nokia phone. One of the moves is to push for the development of quality applications for their S40 mobile platform and Nokia is doing just that. About...