
  • USAID & EPIC Global Multimedia Branding Campaign Docie On Ghana

    USAID and Ghana Government in collaboration with EPIC Global Media, produced a multimedia branding campaign documentary focused on Ghana’s development and achievements across its businesses. Through this innovative partnership, which includes local Ghanaian entities, Brand Ghana and USAID, EPIC developed and showcase Ghana’s brand to the world, with a particular...
  • SasaAfrica | A storefront for African Vendors

    SasaAfrica has created an online storefront for vendors in under served communities which uses MMS uploads, SMS notifications, and mobile payments. Aimed at shortening the distance between credit-based consumers and developing nation vendors, According to the team behind SasaAfrica, their main goal is to provide an online storefront...
  • Infographic: Africa overtakes Asia Pacific in Mobile Connections for 2012

    World’s fastest growing region — with Eastern and Middle Africa still below 50% penetration With 700,000 mobile connections in Q2 2012, Africa has overtaken Asia Pacific as the world’s fastest growing region in terms of cellular reach, resulting in new milestones in the global mobile industry.’s infographic shows...
  • Social Media – Understanding & Building a Social Media Strategy

    While in San Francisco in 2011, I had the opportunity to attend an event featuring keynote speaker Brian Solis, author of Engage, which brought Mr. Solis notable recognition in the social media community for its strategies and tactics for building and participating in online communities. Brian discussed “Understanding &...
  • Mobile Tech: How Mobile Devices Are Changing Media Consumption

    InMobi, the world’s largest independent mobile advertizing network, has released its updated network research report on how Mobile devices have change the way we consume media in this succinct infographic below: (don’t you just love infographics for the way they just make complex things look very simple?) Related articles...
  • Google In An Unethical Practice With African Start-up: Mocality

    Mocality – a business directory start-up by Stefan Magdalinski with a Kenyan-wide coverage accuses search-engine giant; Google of antitrust-style behavior with its Google+ search integration. You should read Mocality’s blog post about the situation in full, but below is a summary: As we all know, there are no Kenyan Yellow...
  • PopTech: Africa on the rise – Erik Hersman

    Erik Hersman asks us to shed outdated notions of Africa as a unified place plagued by starvation and war. Between mobile phone innovations like M-PESA, social networking like MXit and entrepreneurial spaces like Maker Faire Africa, Hersman sees innovation and entrepreneurship exploding within some of Africa’s—and the world’s—fastest growing...
  • Report: Messaging platform Dropifi Wins Startup Weekend Accra

    Cross-posting from VC4Africa Blog This past weekend, Startup Weekend Accra took place at the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST) in East-Legon, an area in Ghana’s capital Accra. The event was sold out and attracted more than 100 attendees. On the last day (of the three day event) the winner...
  • Why Africa Is Your Best Investment Destination.

    According to Michel Bézy; in the last decade, things have been changing in Africa. Better governance, investments by Eastern countries, the end of wars, and the resolution of the debt crisis have all resulted in significant progress in supporting businesses and the resulting maturation of the business climate. An...