East Africa

  • Fintech_East_Africa

    99% of Fintech funding in East Africa goes to Kenyan apps – Report

    A recent report by Financial Sector Deepening Uganda, UKAid and East Africa Venture Capital Association show, 99% of Fintech funding in East Africa goes to Kenyan Apps. Kenyan finance and technology (Fintech) start-ups take a lion’s share of 99 percent of all funding in the region – leaving Uganda, Rwanda...
  • Acumen Fund East Africa Fellowship Program Seeks Applicants

    Acumen Fund East Africa Fellows is currently accepting applications for the second class of Acumen Fund East Africa Fellowship Program! They are looking for 20 passionate East African leaders who are committed to developing innovative solutions to address a variety of social problems affecting East Africa. Click here to apply now!...
  • Mobile Web East-Africa 2012 – Nairobi, Kenya

    The East Africa edition of the All Amber organized mobile technology conferences, Mobile Web East Africa 2012, is set to take place in Nairobi on the 22nd and 23rd of this month. The conference is supported by Kenya’s *iHub and m:lab East Africa. The conference is organized by UK based company All...
  • First Swahili iPad/iPhone App By Nkyea Released

    Nana Kwabena Sarpong and Isaac Ameyaw started Nkyea Learning Systems in 2009 to develop desktop and mobile applications for learning African languages. They’ve already developed and released two Twi language applications, Nkyea Twi Primer and Nkyea Twi Phrasebook, ’My Twi Name‘ app, and ‘Adrinkra E-Cards‘ app. The two-man Ghanaian language...
  • Re-blogged: Meet The TED Global 2011 Fellows Working Within Africa

    Re-blogged via Timbuktu Chronicles 5 spectacular individuals with Africa related connections are part of the recently announced TED Global 2011 Fellows class. They are: Femi Akinde – Founder of SlimTrader(covered earlier) , the first platform in Africa allowing consumers to shop for goods and services via their mobile phones through...
  • Mobile Web East Africa, Nairobi-Kenya.

    Last week, I saw a couple of tweet updates from my colleague blogger; David Oluniyi Ajao about the Mobile Web East Africa Conference which took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 3rd– 4th Feb, 2010 at the Hotel Intercontinental. The hash tag for the event on twitter was #MWEA10. The...