Maker Faire Africa

  • Maker Faire Africa 2010: Nairobi, Kenya!

    In two weeks time, I’ll be traveling to Nairobi, Kenya to attend Maker Faire Africa. This is an event which is bringing together inventors, ingenious craftsmen/women, artisans and innovators under one roof to showcase their latest inventions & products, dialogue between experts and non-experts and also network in promoting...
  • My TEDxYouthInspire Talk on Social Media Impact on African Youth

    Growing up in a small trading-town of Keta in the Volta Region, my grand-mother; Madam Doris Degadjor-Deha; a Cereal/Grains Seller in the Keta Market paid so much attention to Education as the only key to eradicating poverty in our family. Back in the day, she always makes me write...
  • Why Do Ghanaian Employers Require University Education?

    Image by AdamCohn via Flickr Yesterday, I had a call from a friend who’s been job-hunting from the middle of last year till now. He’s been lucky to be short-listed for a few interviews but none ever worked out due to the “university degree” menace rocking the nation. This...
  • TEDx YouthInspire LIVE in Accra, Ghana

    TEDxYouthInspire has joined the rungs of the increasing number of African youth-focused development programmes to be hosted in Ghana. Other events recently hosted here that immediately come to mind are BarCamp Ghana and Maker Faire Africa. The brilliant thing about TEDxYouthInspire, and other programmes like it, is that it...