Ushahidi & Talk Morocco Wins The BoB's Award

Ushahidi won the Weblog of the Year award from Deutsche Welle at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn, Germany. The award ceremony took place on Tuesday 22nd...

Ushahidi won the Weblog of the Year award from Deutsche Welle at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn, Germany. The award ceremony took place on Tuesday 22nd June, 2010 at the Planery Chamber of the World Conference Center where the Climate Change and the Media forum were on-going.

@MacJordan with Erik Hersman; @WhiteAfrican displaying Ushahidi's Award

According to award recipient – Erik Hersman;

“The Ushahidi platform is an African technology innovation that is changing a lot of things, not least of which is the way that information flows during human rights events.”

Ushahidi is a blog that collects and shows reports from users who have the Ushahidi application built into their own websites. This application makes it possible to visualize information from conflict and disaster regions on an interactive map. The application was first used in Kenya in 2008 to map out the violence and riots after the elections. Since then, users in many different countries have used Ushahidi to help save lives – like in finding the survivors of the earthquake in Haiti.

“One of our goals with Ushahidi has always been to help save lives and speed recovery,” ~ Erik Hersman.

Also at the same event; Talk Morocco; a blog by Jillian C. York & Hisham Almiraat also won the 2010 Best English Weblog People’s Choice and Jury BOB awards!

Jillian C. York & Hisham Almiraat displaying their award.

According to Co-found; Jillian C. York,

“Blogging plays an important social role in Morocco, where bloggers often tackle subjects the main press cannot. Talk Morocco provides a unique a platform for established and unknown bloggers, journalists and authors, Moroccans and non-Moroccans, English speakers and non-English speakers, to comment on subjects relating to Morocco and the Moroccan diaspora.”

Congrats to Erik Hersman of Ushahidi, Jillian C. York & Hisham Almiraat of Talk Morocco for their blog awards.

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Award-winning Ghanaian technology blogger, Mac-Jordan shares insights and stories on African innovations, digital marketing, startups, tech entrepreneurs and helpful tips for starter entrepreneurs. Get in touch: or text: +233(0)544335582.