Erik Hersman

  • PopTech: Africa on the rise – Erik Hersman

    Erik Hersman asks us to shed outdated notions of Africa as a unified place plagued by starvation and war. Between mobile phone innovations like M-PESA, social networking like MXit and entrepreneurial spaces like Maker Faire Africa, Hersman sees innovation and entrepreneurship exploding within some of Africa’s—and the world’s—fastest growing...
  • Is The New Facebook A Personal Discovery or A Storytelling Tool?

    Re-blog From Brian Solis Blog: “For the first time ever in a single day we had 500 million people use Facebook” – Mark Zuckerberg For those who focus on the debate between Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter are missing the true story. Today at Facebook’s f8 developer conference we...
  • Event: Mobile Apps Ghana Showcase 2011

    Don’t be surprised at innovations and ideas coming from Africa; but rather embrace them because Africa is the future. – Erik Hersman (TEDGlobal2011) One word that keeps coming out of the lips of most tech-preneurs these days in Africa and Ghana is; INNOVATION. Across Africa; especially in Kenya, Ghana,...
  • Accra Wi-Fi Map Launched

    On September 2, 2009; I was inspired by Rebecca Wanjiku’s article; Free Wi-Fi hotspot locator in Nairobi to also write on Free Wi-Fi Hotspots In Accra which pointed out the various FREE Wi-Fi spots in Accra about 2-years ago. This morning, one of my tech and social media mentors;...
  • Ory Okolloh Joins Google To Shape Africa's Internet Policy

    The success of Ushahidi as both an activist organization and as a technology startup is one that is widely recognized as Africa’s first big ‘garage’ startup success story. The organization was born out of the 2007 post-election unrest in Kenya when Ory Okolloh put out a call to map...
  • Maker Faire Africa 2010: Nairobi, Kenya!

    In two weeks time, I’ll be traveling to Nairobi, Kenya to attend Maker Faire Africa. This is an event which is bringing together inventors, ingenious craftsmen/women, artisans and innovators under one roof to showcase their latest inventions & products, dialogue between experts and non-experts and also network in promoting...
  • Ushahidi & Talk Morocco Wins The BoB's Award

    Ushahidi won the Weblog of the Year award from Deutsche Welle at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn, Germany. The award ceremony took place on Tuesday 22nd June, 2010 at the Planery Chamber of the World Conference Center where the Climate Change and the Media forum were...