• Are You In Accra? Join Us For BlogCamp 2012…!!!

    If you are serious about taking your online visibility to the next level and feel like a “newbie” or a “skeptic” when blogging/blogs are mentioned; then BlogCamp 2012 is your ideal event. The 21st century has become synonymous with social networking of which blogging plays a major role. Blogging...
  • GhanaDecides: A Social Media Election Monitoring Project from Ghana

    The non-partisan project Ghana Decides, launched on March 24, “aims to foster a better informed electorate for free, fair and safe 2012 Elections using online social media tools.” Ghanaians go to the polls in December 2012 to vote in the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections to either elect a new President or maintain the current government.  In other to help...
  • #GhanaDecides: A Social Media Election Monitoring Project from Ghana

    Ghanaians go to the polls in December 2012 to vote in the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections to either elect a new President or maintain the current government. In other to help streamline the voter registration process, the country is now implementing its first-ever biometric voter registration — in other...
  • Men Dominates Google+, Women Take Over Pinterest & Others

    In a recent market survey complied by Website-Monitoring.com, a few key trends about Google+user demographics were revealed.  The most eye-opening stat:  67% of all users were male.  The company believes the fact that Google+ is closely integrated with other Google products popular with young men, namely Android and Gmail, make...
  • Barcamp Takoradi – March 3rd, 2012

    BarCamp Takoradi 2012 is happening on March 3rd at the Takoradi Polytechnic Auditorium.The theme is “Empowering the emerging middle class in a budding economy: efficient use of technology in entrepreneurship”. This is a FREE event for anyone who is interested in using their skills, talent, and resources to benefit Takoradi, Ghana and Africa...
  • TED Auditions Comes to Nairobi, Tunis & Johannesburg

    TED (Technology Entertainment Design) is offering anybody the opportunity to join the ranks of Bill Gates, Al Gore and Jane Goodall as a TED speaker. From April – June 2012, the organizers of the global event will be holding public auditions in 3 African cities – Nairobi, Tunis and Johannesburg...
  • Mobile Web East-Africa 2012 – Nairobi, Kenya

    The East Africa edition of the All Amber organized mobile technology conferences, Mobile Web East Africa 2012, is set to take place in Nairobi on the 22nd and 23rd of this month. The conference is supported by Kenya’s *iHub and m:lab East Africa. The conference is organized by UK based company All...
  • Ghana Ranked No. 8 on Facebook Usage in Africa

    Yesterday during lunch at the Pizza Inn on the Ngong Road by the Uchumi Supermarket, the question about the number of Ghanaians on Facebook came up again after it was reported that, Ghana is the least country that uses the micro-blogging platform – Twitter....
  • Perspectives on Traveling Within Africa | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    On February 12th, I left Accra en-route to Nairobi to work on a project by Blogging Ghana on Ethiopian Airways with a 3hr lay-over in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We touched down at Bole International Airport (formerly known as Haile Selassie I International Airport) at approximately 20:45 GMT+1 local time....