• Is The New Facebook A Personal Discovery or A Storytelling Tool?

    Re-blog From Brian Solis Blog: “For the first time ever in a single day we had 500 million people use Facebook” – Mark Zuckerberg For those who focus on the debate between Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter are missing the true story. Today at Facebook’s f8 developer conference we...
  • BlackBerry App World Now Accessible In Ghana

    Ghanaian BlackBerry Users can now have full access to the BlackBerry App World. This morning, my friend @Lydia Elim-Ama re-tweeted @BlaclBeryDev which stated, Ghana and a host of other countries; Albania, Armenia, Benin, Algeria, Belize, Burkina, Bosnia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Morocco, Serbia, Tunisia and Zambia  can now access...
  • Tip: How To Use Google's URL; Goo.gl In TweetDeck.

    As an avid TweetDeck user, I have always wanted to share links from my blog-posts and other interesting articles on Social Media, ICT4D, African Tech, Mobile Entrepreneurship, Gender Issues and Photography with Google’s URL Shortener; Goo.gl After much digging and research, I came across a link/API which shortens all...
  • Farida Bedwei & 2 Others Wins Festival of Ideas 2011 Awards

    This tweet below from one of the organizers of the Festival of Ideas conference got me very inspired to write this blog-post about the award recipients who happen to be young and energetic change-makers from Ghana in my Social Circle. Yesterday, I virtually joined and participated in Day 2...
  • Was The London Riot Incited By Social Media?

    Analyzing the London Riots with Social Media Monitoring Londoners woke up to one of the disturbing scenes of total lawlessness and violence experienced in decades. “Senior officers say the violence and looting on Monday night was the worst in living memory; eclipsing the 1980s inner city riots in “Senior...
  • Code of Ethics for Citizen Journalists (Bloggers)

    A lot of discussion is currently on-going about the need for bloggers/citizen journalist to adopt a sort of “code of conducts” for their chosen passion in new media and citizen journalism. According to Lanita Pace; Director of Multimedia and Technology Programs at the Knight Digital Media Center at UC...
  • Call for Applications – Young Media Summit in Tunisia

    Are you a blogger, Internet activist or a freelance online-journalist from Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Libya or Mauritania? Would you like to participate in a forum to exchange views on the political situation in the region, the role of social media, quality standards in online-reporting, the economic potential of blogging...
  • Maker Faire Africa 2011 : Cairo, Egypt

    From the Maker Faire Africa Blog: Maker Faire Africa is pleased to announce our 3rd event, ‘Maker Faire Africa 2011 : Cairo‘ which will take place in Egypt, October 6-8th, 2011.  Join us once again as we continue to cultivate  new and existing maker communities across Africa. As was...
  • First Swahili iPad/iPhone App By Nkyea Released

    Nana Kwabena Sarpong and Isaac Ameyaw started Nkyea Learning Systems in 2009 to develop desktop and mobile applications for learning African languages. They’ve already developed and released two Twi language applications, Nkyea Twi Primer and Nkyea Twi Phrasebook, ’My Twi Name‘ app, and ‘Adrinkra E-Cards‘ app. The two-man Ghanaian language...