• Maker Faire Africa 2010: Nairobi, Kenya!

    In two weeks time, I’ll be traveling to Nairobi, Kenya to attend Maker Faire Africa. This is an event which is bringing together inventors, ingenious craftsmen/women, artisans and innovators under one roof to showcase their latest inventions & products, dialogue between experts and non-experts and also network in promoting...
  • Ushahidi & Talk Morocco Wins The BoB's Award

    Ushahidi won the Weblog of the Year award from Deutsche Welle at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn, Germany. The award ceremony took place on Tuesday 22nd June, 2010 at the Planery Chamber of the World Conference Center where the Climate Change and the Media forum were...
  • Sex, Catastrophe, Climate Change?

    “Sex, Catastrophe, Climate Change? How to get the attention of a media-sated public!” UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has warned of impending disaster if the world does not succeed in slowing global warming – something that will especially affect low-lying coastal areas. The disappointing outcome of the Copenhagen...
  • Global concern about Climate Change: The media must inform and educate!

    People all over the world continue to see climate change as a threat. The majority expect the media to not only inform the public about climate change, but also educate them about its consequences. At the same time, the number of people who aren’t concerned at all has risen...
  • Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Bonn – Germany

    The Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum started yesterday with lots of discussion and talks from various idealists, Innovators, Climate Change Activists, Reporters and the media as a whole. The theme for the three-day international event in the German city of Bonn is; “The Heat Is On – Climate Change...
  • Passionate African Twitters Worth Following

    This morning, I woke up to see a tweet from Kojo Baffoe requesting for bloggers, writers & interesting people he could follow on Twitter. As I sat on the edge of my bed reading his tweet, I quickly replied him; by promising to compile a list of followers worth...
  • Mobile Web East Africa, Nairobi-Kenya.

    Last week, I saw a couple of tweet updates from my colleague blogger; David Oluniyi Ajao about the Mobile Web East Africa Conference which took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 3rd– 4th Feb, 2010 at the Hotel Intercontinental. The hash tag for the event on twitter was #MWEA10. The...
  • TEDx YouthInspire LIVE in Accra, Ghana

    TEDxYouthInspire has joined the rungs of the increasing number of African youth-focused development programmes to be hosted in Ghana. Other events recently hosted here that immediately come to mind are BarCamp Ghana and Maker Faire Africa. The brilliant thing about TEDxYouthInspire, and other programmes like it, is that it...