• Is the UN's Approval For A "No-fly zone" On Libya An Euphemism For War?

    Cross-linked at Future Challenges Organization‘s blog Heads of States, World Leaders, NGO’s & Civil Organizations around the world are vigorously debating the recommend-ability of establishing a No-Fly Zone resolution to stop the violence unfolding in Libya. One might want to ask. What is a “No-Fly Zone“? In short and...
  • How To: LIVE-Blog or Tweet From A Global Event/Conference!

    Whiles in Johannesburg, South Africa; Live-blogging from the “Sub-Saharan Africa Freedom of Expression & Internet Workshop”; a colleague whom I’ve known for a long time, joined twitter not long ago and I’m sorry to say; not too ICT-inclined sent me a message on Facebook asking; What are those stuffs...
  • FCC's Mignon Clyburn Visited Ghana and Met With Journalists & Bloggers

    FCC’s Mignon Clyburn visited Ghana and met with Journalists and New Media Activists to learn more about how the internet is changing our media landscape. Gradually, Ghanaian bloggers and freelance journalists in Ghana are getting the necessary attention and recognition they deserve to keep on impacting their communities positively...
  • How Many Ghanaians Are On Facebook?

    A heated argument ensured between my very good friend;MudalawGH yesterday on the number of Ghanaians on the Social Media site; Facebook. I quoted about 500,000 and he disputed the fact that, it’s not possible. Research: In trying to feed my inquiring minds; I chanced upon CheckFacebook.com which provided the...
  • How Influential Are You Online? Use Klout…!

    Image via CrunchBase How many times have you come across these buzzwords; “influence and social currency” in your daily digest of blog posts, articles, and tweets? What do these terms mean? I use Klout to track and measure my influence on the internet.  I believe you have a question...